The Collected Works of G.K. Chesterton


1986 begann der katholische Verlag Ignatius Press in San Francisco mit der Herausgabe von "G. K. Chesterton - Collected Works", wovon bisher 27 Bände vorliegen. Die Texte sind meist aus den englischen Originalausgaben übernommen oder aus den (nur schwach von GKC überarbeiteten) US-amerikanischen Versionen. Und oft aus den Original-Zeitschriftenveröffentlichungen; selten aus späteren Buchveröffentlichungen, die manchmal anders angeordnet sind. Und während GKC sich konstant geweigert hat, seine Texte von Fußnoten in die Tiefe ziehen zu lassen, haben die US-Herausgeber - sich dieses Widerspruchs durchaus bewusst - mit vielen Fußnoten dafür gesorgt, dass dem modernen Leser (dem US-amerikanischen vor allem) die Rätsel der englisch-europäischen Texte GKCs entschlüsselt werden. Allein der erste seiner großen Texte, Heretics (1905), der bei Ignatius ca. 160 Druckseiten umfasst, weist 122 Fußnoten auf.



Collected Works, Vol. I

1986, Ignatius Press
The Blatchford controversies

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Collected Works, Vol. II

1986, Ignatius Press
St. Francis of Assisi,
The Everlasting Man,
St. Thomas Aquinas

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Collected Works, Vol. III

1990, Ignatius Press
Where all Roads lead,
The Catholic Church and Conversion,
Why I am a Catholic,
The Thing: why I am a Catholic,
The Well and the Shallows,
The Way of the Cross

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Collected Works, Vol. IV

1987, Ignatius Press
What's wrong with the World,
The Superstition of Divorce,
Eugenics and other Evils,
Divorce versus Democracy,
Social Reform versus Birth Control

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Collected Works, Vol. V

1987, Ignatius Press
The Outline of Sanity,
The Appetite of Tyranny,
The Crimes of England,
Lord Kitchener,
Utopia of Usurers,
How to Help Annexation,
The End of the Armistice

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Collected Works, Vol. VI

1991, Ignatius Press
The Club of Queer Trades,
The Napoleon of Notting Hill,
The Man who was Thursday

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Collected Works, Vol. VII

2005, Ignatius Press
The Ball and the Cross
The Flying Inn

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Collected Works, Vol. VIII

1999, Ignatius Press
The Return of Don Quixote,
Tales of the Long Bow,
The Man who knew too much

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Collected Works, Vol. X, part A

1994, Ignatius Press
Collected Poetry, Part I

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Collected Works, Vol. X, part B

2008, Ignatius Press
Collected Poetry, Part II

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Collected Works, Vol. XI

1989, Ignatius Press
Plays, and Chesterton on Shaw

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Collected Works, Vol. XII

2005, Ignatius Press
Father Brown Stories Part 1

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Collected Works, Vol. XIII

2006, Ignatius Press
Father Brown Stories Part 2

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Collected Works, Vol. XIV

1993, Ignatius Press
Short Stories, Fairy Tales, Mystery Stories
(A Potpourri of Tales, Juvenilia, What might have been - Complete and fragmentary tales from the Notebooks)

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Collected Works, Vol. XV

1989, Ignatius Press
Chesterton on Dickens

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Collected Works, Vol. XVI

1988, Ignatius Press
The Autobiography

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Collected Works, Vol. XVIII

1991, Ignatius Press
Thomas Carlyle,
Leo Tolstoy,
Robert Louis Stevenson,

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Collected Works, Vol. XX

2001, Ignatius Press
Christendom in Dublin,
Irish Impressions,
The New Jerusalem,
A Short History of England,
The Patriotic Idea from England,
Explaining the English, London,
What are Reprisals?

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Collected Works, Vol. XXI

1990, Ignatius Press
What I saw in America,
The Resurrection of Rome,
Sidelights (= 28 Essays)

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Collected Works, Vol. XXVII

1986, Ignatius Press
The Illustrated London News 1905-1907

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Collected Works, Vol. XXVIII

1987, Ignatius Press
The Illustrated London News 1908-1910

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Collected Works, Vol. XXIX

1988, Ignatius Press
The Illustrated London News 1911-1913

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Collected Works, Vol. XXX

1988, Ignatius Press
The Illustrated London News 1914-1916

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Collected Works, Vol. XXXI

1989, Ignatius Press
The Illustrated London News 1917-1919

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Collected Works, Vol. XXXII

1989, Ignatius Press
The Illustrated London News 1920-1922

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Collected Works, Vol. XXXIII

1990, Ignatius Press
The Illustrated London News 1923-1925

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Collected Works, Vol. XXXIV

1991, Ignatius Press
The Illustrated London News 1926-1928

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